Worldwide Flame Transference Initiative
for Transforming the Planet and Bringing in the Golden Age
Sunday, august 11, 2024
6:30 p.m. CdT
By Telephone: +1 669 900 6833 US (West Coast)
+1 929 436 2866 US (East Coast)
Meeting ID: 943 023 122
Our Flame Transference this Month is
In the Resurrection Temple Over the Holy Land

On August 22, 1992, in a dictation given at the conclusion of the Saturday evening service,
Mother Mary asked for a perpetual prayer vigil of the rosary. Thus, beloved ones, though you may not have the numbers in your various groups to maintain this vigil perpetually, you may at least see to it that a rosary is given daily and perhaps the Child’s Rosary.
She promised to return in seven days to accord us a “special grace or dispensation.” Mary said: “I ask you to think about this for seven days and then come to a conclusion as to what special grace you might ask of me.”
She requested that for fourteen days we alternate giving the long scriptural rosary on one day and the Surrender Rosary on the next. She said this would assist us to ask for a grace that would enable us “to become who we are, to fulfill our mission and to serve others.” (See vol. 35 no. 34, pp. 439, 440, 448.)
On August 29, seven days later, at the Saint Germain Service, the congregation wrote letters to Mother Mary, stating the grace they would like to receive. Saint Germain tells us that Mother Mary has molded the gift to our deepest need and to the equation of the hour of our lifestream. Forget not the inner resolution by the violet flame and by the joy of the heart. Forget not, beloved ones, the altar of God.
In a dictation from July 6, 1980 titled―The Gift of a Mother’s Heart: The Mystery of the Fifteenth Rosary, The Surrender of That Christ That You Have Become, Mother Mary explained: “I reveal to you now, as I place this treasure in the heart of the Mother and the messenger, the understanding of the mystery of the Fifteenth Rosary…. It is the surrender of that Christhood that you have attained.”
This rosary was never published. So we will pray to Mother Mary for understanding, using the words given in her dictation of March 19, 1980 formed into TRANSFORMATION RITUAL 17: The Gift of Mother Mary’s Heart―The Understanding of the Mystery of the Surrender of That Christ That You Have Become
[Adapted from the dictation POW Vol. 23 No. 27 - Beloved Mother Mary - July 6, 1980]
Prayer to Jesus and Mother Mary Before Retiring
Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. And I call in the name of my Christ Self to Jesus and Mother Mary to invoke assistance on my spiritual path following the heart of Jesus.
O my soul, let me arise from my abode this night as I retire. Beloved Archangel Michael, escort me to the highest level of the etheric octave, to the retreats of the Ascended Masters to be God-taught under the direction of our Holy Christ Selves. And beloved God Presence, Lord Christ and Lord Krishna with the ascended Brethren, enfold me in an aura of your Cosmic Christ radiance and accompany me to the place prepared where I may serve my God and our people in thy Holy Work assigned to me this night according to the will of God.
Archangel Michael, take me to the Resurrection Temple of Jesus and Mother Mary over the city of Jerusalem in the Holy Land. I ask to receive, according to God's will, a greater increment of resurrection flame in all of my chakras to expand my service to life and to prepare for my ascension. So l pray to be taken to the central flame chamber in the center of the temple, and bathed in the opalescent, mother-of-pearl resurrection fire that raises my vibration to that state just prior to the ascension where the threefold flame is balanced and the four lower bodies are aligned.
Let me experience life as an unbroken stream of awareness throughout the day and night. And assist me in remembering and retaining all that I experience in the higher realms and be able to draw that information, understanding, sensations and experience down into my outer waking consciousness and the five senses, to assist with the fulfillment of my divine plan and the bringing in of the Golden Age.
To Prepare, call each night to go to The Resurrection Temple Over the Holy Land and Meditate with the Following Music